Carhauler Driver Shortage...or Carhauler Pay Shortage?

There seems to be a rash of familiar articles floating through the carhauler and trucking industry. It goes like this:
Veronica538 at work as truckdriver                  Carhauler Pay Shortage?
  1. raw tonnage is up
  2. a number of other items are up economically
  3. the job situation has not change for the average American BUT somehow....

There is a driver shortage

Well that does not make sense. Why don't carhaulers and truckers want to pull these loads either
as a truck company employee or a independent operator. My guess is they do except

  • costs are getting out of control
  • wages are not going up
  • the cost of necessary new equipment is out of reach with no financing
  • the rewards do not merit the work
So the question needs to shift nationally to..why can't carhaulers and truckers make a decent living? I think this is the real issue. Solve this, and you probably will solve the driver shortage as well

To read more about this subject click HERE
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