Future Truck and Carhauler Capacity Predicted To Not Increase

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You dont need a M.B.A. to figure out what is going on here..

This story is far more important to autohauler and carhauling world than it appears

From Truckinginfo.com

Truck lettering
A large number of trucking and carhauling companies will not be adding capacity anytime soon. The economy is not growing. In fact about 2/3 are staying flat. One of the biggest culprits, inability to get financing for new equipment. This has affected the carhauler industry in a devestating way-many want the work but cannot afford the equipment to be a car carrier

trucking and carhauling has to grow for the economy to grow.



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1 comment:

  1. Truck lettering and logos will provide you with thousands of views as you roll down the road

