The Great Trucker Smokeout

Of all the health risks truckers face, the top of the list is probably populated by smoking. As a society there is a never-ending flow of research informing the public how smoking can kill us. The television has ads which make you turn your head at the damage smoking has had on its victims. And with all that, I read in Fleetowner magazine that over 60% of all truckers smoke. 

I am guessing the message of smoking health risks HAS reached truck and carhauler drivers. I am also guessing that the addictiveness of the habit, coupled with long journeys on the road, has made quitting seems less important. But now here is your chance to quit

September 20 is the one day Trucker smokeout where truck driving smokers are urged to quit smoking for at least one day. Just one simple day. This could be just the break you need to start your quitting process.

For more information go to

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