Federal Stimulus and Today's Carhauler

Every Carhauler knows that a good economy will put profits on the books. The  problem is..what is a good economy? I think its job creation with high wages. This idea that people are going to go out and buy new cars because they are working road crew with a Federal infrastructure plan is pointless.

This idea of re-stimulating the economy by repairing roads and bridges is a recycled outdated economic garbage plan that was only moderately successful in the 1930's when an enormous amount of the American workforce was minimum wage labor based..

This was recycled again in 2008 at the Federal level and did not work. There was no real stimulus effect

It is being reheated and served again to the American public in 2012 and I can tell you it is doomed before it starts. Let's just say that we actually do this.Do you think an army of Americans making minimum wage are going to:

  • pay their overinflated mortage payments that were priced really high when the economy was doing well
  • pay their credit card debt
  • pay for outrageous gas prices
  • pay for outrageous grocery prices
I am not going on..this kind of everyone makes nothing but serves the government thinking didn't work for communist Russia when they did huge public works programs and it will not work here BUT it
will plunge us deeper into the recession..HMMM..maybe that is the plan's true intention all along?

I can tell you there are no carhaulers in the world that will benefit from this kind of thinking. You do not need carhaulers to move cars that people cannot afford.

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