FBI investigates food freight thefts | Amarillo Globe-News

The FBI found a common thread to the scam: drivers and dispatchers with foreign accents, fake trucking company records and loads of meat that never showed up.

The thieves convinced transportation companies they were experienced haulers who could truck beef, pork and cheese from Texas, Idaho and Kansas facilities and drive them to their destinations, according to an ongoing FBI investigation.

A federal search warrant affidavit said the men — who made off with nearly $800,000 worth of food last year — also hit plants in Jerome, Idaho; Holcomb, Kan.; and Madison, Neb.
By the time frantic freight brokers called about their missing shipments, the unidentified thieves were long gone, the affidavit said.

FBI investigators have identified at least nine meat and cheese heists in 2011, including $137,750 worth of beef stolen in June from two Friona plants.

Scammers also targeted Nor-Am Cold Storage in Plainview in August, when they stole $38,496 worth of beef, according to the affidavit.

No one has been charged.

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Commentary: As of yet I have not heard of a major scam against a carhauler. I would still be careful as these schemes
get more creative and daring. Elaborate freight con-artist schemes are definitely the trend.


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